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Application for study

The CME Content Academy admissions procedure consists of two rounds. In the first part, candidates interested in the scholarship programme must send the required documents to the email indicated below, complete the application form and pay an administrative fee of CZK 875/EUR 35 by 11 June. There will be no further payments for participation in the course! The participant only pays for living expenses.

Materials required for the first round of the admission procedure for the CME Content Academy

  • The applicant’s motivational essay describing – in addition to their study and work experience to date – their ideas for future work in the television industry (one to three standard pages of text in Czech/Slovak and an English version of the same).
  • Critical analysis of a contemporary television series of the applicant’s choice (two to five standard pages in Czech/Slovak).
  • A structured story idea for the applicant’s own TV programme where the applicant answers basic questions of “WHAT?, HOW? and WHY? do I want to create” (maximum of two standard pages in Czech/Slovak).
  • Optional part: A portfolio including up to three examples of the applicant’s written or audiovisual outputs: articles, references to literary works, unimplemented story ideas or scripts, scripts or synopses of short programmes (15/30 minutes with a maximum length of 30 standard pages), spots, showreels, etc.

Quality always takes precedence over quantity in the admissions procedure!

Basic study requirements include fluency in English, which is needed for example to understand international lecturers or to participate in international projects. However, the teaching is mainly in Czech.

Other prerequisites are a broader cultural awareness and the ability to speak and write in a refined manner. Age or educational attainment to date are not decisive factors for admission. However, all applicants must be of legal age (over 18 years old).

Materials should be sent by midnight on 11 June to prihlaska@tvinstitut.tv with the following stated in the subject:  První kolo přijímacího řízení CME CA (First Round of CME CA Admissions). Be sure to label EACH of the files you want to submit with your name! For larger attachments (over 20 MB), please use an online repository.

Second round

Successful applicants will proceed to the second round of the admissions procedure, where they will be interviewed in person by a Television Institute and CME (Central Media Enterprises) panel on the basis of the submitted materials. The second round interview is conducted in English on account of the international membership of the panel, as well as the requirements for working at CME.

The course is scheduled to start on 1 October 2024.

For any questions, please contact the CME CA admissions coordinator Daniela Rosa: daniela@tvinstitut.tv

Applications are now closed.